More Detransitioners Sue for Medical Malpractice Fraud

More Detransitioners Sue for Medical Malpractice

More Detransitioners Sue for Medical Malpractice Fraud

Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come.  It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.  So watch yourselves.  Luke 17:1-3

Last year, I wrote about gender detransition lawsuits.  There were 5 at the time.  Chloe ColeKayla LovdahlLuka HeinPrisha Mosley; and Soren Aldaco.  There is now approximately 12 public lawsuits, and several other privates ones.

The Reddit Detrans Group keeps on growing.  See Detransitioner Resources.

Adding to the Growing List of Public Detransition Lawsuits in the US. (Many more private)
Isabelle Ayala

Complaint Filed on October 23, 2023: Ayala-v-AAP-Complaint_stamped

Isabelle was 14 when medical treatments began.  She was given testosterone after 2 appointments. She is suing the American Academy of Pediatrics for fraud.  Isabelle suffers from chronic pain, vaginal atrophy, possible sterility, Hashimoto’s disease (an autoimmune disease requiring lifelong medication), compromised bone structure.

Layton Ulery (aka Hannah Ulery)

Complaint Filed on October 23, 2023: Ulery – Amended Complaint filed

Layton started testosterone at age 20.  The Complaint alleges she had multiple personality disorder.  She would memory loss when she switched identities, her doctors were also providing medical treatment to other identities including Liv, Jesse, Anna, Mason, Lee, AJ, and several ‘fragmented identities.’

She alleged she did not have gender dsyphoria.  Yet, because the surgeons ‘prioritized their own agendas, ideologies and professional interests’, she underwent drastic gender reassignment therapy including hormone replacement.  She is suing Thundermist Health; RI, Drs. Rafferty and Forcier; her therapist.

Shape Shifter

First Amended Complaint Filed February 14, 2024: Shape Shifter First Amended Complaint

Shape began estrogen at age 23.  Had breast implants and facial feminization surgery at 24, and vaginoplasty and orchiectomy at 25. Shape is suing Fenway Health, Boston MA; suing for violations of civil rights as a gay man.  Shape suffers from osteoporosis, brain fog, mental distress.

Camille Kiefel

First Amended Complaint Filed December 12, 2022: Camille Kiefel First Amended Complaint (file stamped)

Camille started gender affiming treatment at age 30.  She was approved for double mastectomy after 2 short Zoom appointments.  She is suing social worker Amy Ruff, therapist Mara Burmeister, Brave Space Oregon and Quest Center for Integrative Health.  She suffers from excruciating emotional distress, anxiety.

Richard Ikechukwu Anumene

Complaint Filed May 10, 2022: Richard-Ikechukwu-Anumene-First-Amended-Complaint-Filed

Richard was 26 when he received a vaginoplasty and bilateral orchiectomy.  He is suing Kaiser Permanente Hospitals, Permanente Medical Group.  He suffers from schizophrenia, PTSD, bipolar disorder, severe depression, anxiety.

What Are the Causes of Action in a Gender Detransition Case?

Below is not an exhaustive list:

Medical malpractice; Neglience; Gross medical negligence, Fraud, Civil conspiracy, Deceptive Trade Practice; False Advertising; Misleading advertising, Egregious misrepresentation of material evidence, Breach of fiduciary duties, Breach of fiduciary duty rising to the level of constructive fraud, Experimental medical treatments, Violation of civil rights.

One lawsuit (filed by Plaintiff Shape Shifter) claims “gender affirming care” violates his civil rights act because it constitutes “gay conversion therapy” and discriminates based upon sexual orientation.

How Much Can the Detransitioner Recover in Damages?

Below is an excerpt from The Daily Signal:

Medical malpractice lawsuits on behalf of detransitioners harmed by experimental treatments euphemistically referred to as “gender-affirming care” will yield multimillion-dollar judgments, a lawyer filing such suits predicts.

Ron Miller helped found the law firm Campbell Miller Payne, which represents people who formerly identified as transgender, underwent medical alterations, then rejected their transgender identities, and now lament the harm done to their bodies.

“You’re looking at lifelong medical issues that are going to require pharmaceutical drugs and therapies and treatments that just will never end,” Miller says.

Of a female detransitioner, he says,

“She’s going to have bone-density issues because she went through a period of her development where her bones were just affected by a cross-sex hormone that just did not work with her body [in its natural development]. That creates long-term development issues that will have to be treated by specialists and medications. So, you’re looking at a lifelong medical bill, but then you’re also looking at consequences like … infertility.”

“How do you assign a value to the pain and the lost opportunity to have a child?” the lawyer asks.

“It’s a really difficult thing to predict,” and juries will have to settle the matter, he notes.

“What is it worth to a person to have that taken from them? Our court system, unfortunately, is limited in only being able to provide compensation for these kind of injuries in the form of dollars, and so, every jury has the very difficult task of translating these kind of intangible, lifelong injuries into a monetary figure that could compensate.”

When pressed to assign an approximate dollar figure, Miller says,

It would be in the millions, I think, for sure. I would say, based on our research, we expect a jury verdict to come back anywhere from $10 [million] to $20 million.”

Medical malpractice law varies from state to state. In some states, a detransitioner would have to bring a lawsuit one year after the harmful activity, and “often the detransitioner isn’t even aware of the deception that they were subjected to within this one-year period,” the lawyer says. For this and other reasons, legislatures will have to alter the law to enable detransitioners to sue for medical malpractice.

Typically, a malpractice plaintiff will have to “establish that some medical standard of care was not followed or was neglected or was ignored in providing the medical treatments that ultimately caused the client harm,” Miller explains.

Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Youth in the UK

Some conclusions from this report: CassReview_Final

“The strengths and weaknesses of the evidence base on the care of children and young people are often misrepresented and overstated.”

“Thousands of young people received life-altering treatments with “no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress.”

“Social justice” ideology is driving medical decision-making, and “the toxicity of the debate” has created an environment “where professionals are so afraid to openly discuss their views.”

Many more Detransition Lawsuits Ahead

More Detransitioners Sue for Medical Malpractice Fraud.  There will be many, many more lawsuits.  My law firm is receiving several inquiries from many, including minors who were duped by the agenda, and are now suffering.

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