Marriage is a Covenant, Not a Contract

Covenant v Contract

Marriage is a Covenant, Not a Contract

Marriage Failure Rate

Word on the street is, one of two marriages end in divorce.

I think it is because people view marriage as a contract instead of a covenant. (Still sad though! You shouldn’t go around breaking contracts either!)

Covenants v Contracts

Both covenants and contracts are agreements people make with each other.

However, a contract is invalid when one party breaches it.  A covenant stays valid even if one party breaches it.

Covenants are sealed, contracts are signed.

Contracts are legally binding documents.  Covenants are spiritual promises that don’t break.

Contracts are mutually beneficial – what do I get in exchange for you get?

Covenants are promises to each other to benefit the relationship – if one person fails, the other would encourage and help rebuild.

Business Relationship or Personal Relationship?

Contracts are better for business relationships. They spell out rights and obligations, and include provisions for damages.

Covenants are for human relationships.  It’s treating promises as a moral obligation, rather than a piece of paper than can easily be torn.

Marriage is a Covenant

A covenant between two people and God.  Marriage takes three.

Marriage is holy.  That’s why you’ve heard the phrase “Holy Matrimony”.  This does not mean you, your spouse, or the marriage is perfect.  We are most certainly not.  But it does tell us that it takes greater purpose than each other’s “happiness” to sustain a marriage.

Marriages will suffer when both spouses do not treat it the way God intended.  Two imperfect people can never be bonded for life if marriage was conditionally based on each other’s emotions or promises.

The Greater Good

Do not fall prey to the world’s deceit that marriage is “just a contract”.  Don’t confuse marriage with prenuptial agreements.  A prenup is a contract, but just because you have a prenup does not mean you should treat marriage like a contract.

Remember, marriage is a covenant with God.

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.  Ecclesiastes 4:12

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