Your Divorce Details are not Private in California

Different Perspectives on Divorce: Ying and Yang

Photo by Ba Tik from Pexels

Your Divorce Details are Not Private in California

Ever wonder how I get quoted and why I now stuff about celebrity divorces?

Like this one: Kelly Chang Rickert Quoted on Jenner Divorce

California is a Community Property state,” Kelly Chang Rickert, Certified Family Law Specialist tells you have a prenup that states otherwise, Everything acquired during marriage, before date of separation, is community, and in a divorce, shall be divided 50-50,”

Kelly Chang Rickert quoted on Jenner Divorce: “Here, Kris and Bruce divided up their property, including bank accounts, brokerage accounts, vehicles, sky miles, houses, tax refunds, etc. It looks like after the division, Kris got MORE in community assets than Bruce. She paid him $2,500,000 to equalize the payment.”

Your Divorce Details are Not Private in California

Ever wonder how TMZ gets ahold of divorce filings, such as this Angeline Jolie and Brad Pitt 8.8.18 Stipulation and Order of August 8, 2018?

Or this incredibly disturbing account of Charlie Sheen’s domestic violence as told by his ex Brooke Mueller? DV Dec of Brooke Mueller

Duh, because your divorce details are not private in California.  Nope.  Any nosy neighbor with your case number can access your divorce, and all the documents that come with it.

Keep Your Divorce Private

If celebrities with tons of money can settle their disputes amicably and keep things private, so can you.  I always recommend mediation with an experienced mediator.  They can help you reach resolution on issues of custody, support and property division.  They can also discuss ways to keep settlement details on the down-low, to avoid nosy neighbors and identify theft.  I have seen a Divorce Judgment say, “Petitioner to receive 1/2 of the 588 gold coins hidden under the bed located at 123 Main St.”.  That is just plain stupid in this day and age.

Have a case like this?

Family matters are extremely personal, and it is important for us to know details of your case before giving advice. Each case is different, and it is important to find an attorney you trust. To arrange an appointment, please call us at (626) 765-5767 between 8:30am – 5:00pm, Mondays to Fridays, or fill out the form below.

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