Pronouns in Bio
There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. Proverbs 14:12
Blackout Tuesday
In 2020, I participated in #blackouttuesday to protest racism. I dutifully put a black square on my social media and asked all my friends to do it as well. Like many, I jumped on the bandwagon without thinking because I truly believed it was the right thing to do. (This was before I discovered the corruption).
However, a Black Lives Matter activist immediately messaged me and requested removal of the black square, because it erased the movement. According to her, people searching for information about their movement would only see black squares. “It’s not helpful at all, and is actually really harmful!”
Pronouns in Bio
This same logic applies to “pronouns in bio”. Something as careless as pronouns in bio is the cause of thousands of children becoming lifetime patients of the nefarious gender industry. If you carelessly share “pronouns in bio”, please stop!
This week, Trump declared that on Day 1, he would uproot gender ideology by revoking Biden’s rewrite of Title IX, sign executive order instructing every federal agency to cease programs promoting sex transitions at any age; ask Congress to pass laws prohibiting federal taxpayer dollars to promote gender surgery in all states.
I was so happy I shared this:
Y’all clowns can remove your pronouns in bio now.
That nonsense is over!
— Lawyer Kelly (@lawyerkelly) November 8, 2024
Some people complained it was hurtful, hateful and unchristian. But there is no hate in my heart, nor do I intend to hurt anyone.
Perhaps I should have been more discerning with the word “clown”. To clarify, I meant “silly”. Some of my followers got it.
Anyway, it generated so much controversy, which I didn’t care for.
But it gave me the chance to speak the truth in love.
NO ONE – not one – should ever have pronouns in bio.
Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. Ephesians 4:14-15
Pronouns in Bio Promote Harmful Ideology
You are promoting a very harmful ideology which maims and mutilates people perfectly created in God’s image, and turns them into lifetime patients for profits.
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Pronouns in Bio Is Virtue Signaling
Like the Black Out Tuesday black squares, it is a thoughtless gesture that does not help – it only harms.
The majority of the people that have pronouns in bio do not truly believe in “gender ideology”. They know that God made male and female (Genesis 1:27) and sex cannot be changed.
They would never leave their small children alone with a man who thinks he is a woman. That is not hateful. It is recognizing that this person suffers gender dysphoria, a listed mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).
That is the truth, and it is no more hateful than if I had COVID and someone told me I had COVID.
@datmauday Mother with daughter stops man from using the bathroom
However, like the Blackout Tuesday squares, the people with “pronouns in bio” think they are helping, but it’s not helping. It’s affirming their mental disorder, instead of helping them receive treatment.
Many of you with “pronouns in bio” do not care if a person is suffering. You just don’t want them near you or your children. You do not want to help them. You just want to pretend you’re “moral” and “virtuous” and “accepting”.
That’s virtue signaling.
Virtue Signaling is Harmful In Many Ways
Virtue signaling is the act of expressing opinions with the sole purpose of demonstrating to other people your own “morality” or “superiority”. Most virtue signalers are also “moral relativists” who believe there is no such thing as truth, and everyone can be right and no one should be able to judge.
It’s a contradictory position.
Virtue signalers are extremely fake. And it crosses over to actual harm because your pronouns in bio are creating a false reality to impressionable young children and easily deceived people – the true victims of gender ideology. These people end up ingesting poisonous hormones and/or life-altering permanent surgery their bodies because they are convinced doing so would magically cure them of depression.
Many of these victims have pre-existing mental health conditions and they are left in further despair after the surgeries which remove healthy body parts end up infected and deformed.
And by the way, you cannot just stop taking testosterone or estrogen! Like heroin or crystal methamphetamine, these hormones are experimental and highly addictive drugs, and you cannot just easily stop taking them. You end up hooked for life.
These victims are growing in numbers. You can read their lawsuits here.
Detransition regret is real.
Putting your pronouns in bio actively harms these victims because you are perpetrating a lie. Not just a white lie, but a lie that will put them on a trajectory of eternal pain on earth. Listen to Chloe Cole’s testimony.
“Pronouns in Bio” Is Apathetic
Whenever I ask someone why they have pronouns in bio, they say to me, “I don’t know, everyone else has it”, or “I believe it shows acceptance”.
To the first point – you should never do what everyone else is doing. Every atrocity in history could probably have been avoided if we didn’t do what everyone else was doing.
The second is ridiculous – how does putting he/him or she/her show acceptance to trans-identified individuals? Trans-identified people are unhappy with their natural bodies.
Think for a second. How does putting your pronouns in bio show acceptance to someone who doesn’t like their bodies? If you are certain you are female, how does putting she/her in your bio show acceptance to someone who is confused?
You are simply stabbing them in the heart and twisting the knife – “I am healthy, but I am totally ok with you being unhealthy”.
It’s the same thing as “your body, your choice”. I don’t care what you do with your baby. That’s on you.
That is not love and it certainly is not truth. It is apathetic, cruel and dehumanizing.
Pronouns in Bio is Divisive
Putting pronouns in your bio is a total “us v them” mentality. You are merely trying to prove, through the simple 2 second act of adding he/she that you are better than someone like me who doesn’t have pronouns.
I hate to say this (because I am guilty of it) but it’s much like putting Bible verses in your bio. I am fully cognizant that some days, I have wrong intentions for sharing Bible verses. I pray that it is not regularly perceived as such when I share scripture. God’s word is my GPS and I share it because I want you to have it and know the way too! His word is truly a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Gender Ideology Is Destroying Society
Not only are perfectly healthy children turning into lifetime patients, gender ideology is now threatening the lives of women in sports.
Payton McNabb, a volleyball player, was paralyzed after a male player (identifying as a female) spiked a ball into her head.
Men (who identify as women) are being placed with women in prison, and rape is happening.
So, if you have “pronouns in bio”, just stop it. It is neither loving or accepting. It is harmful, hateful and destroying society. Please remove them.
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