New Year, Bad Laws

2024 new year, bad laws

New Year, Bad Laws

Before I wrote this blog post, I read Romans 13.  This is the verse I have most trouble with, living in California.  It feels like the governing authorities in California are evil, and taking away the rights of the good people (like parents) and freely giving rights to criminals.

Romans 13

Basically, Romans 13 says this:

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.  Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

Not Rebelling, But Shedding Light On New Bad Laws of 2024

Thus, I do not rebel against the authority.  I will, however, shed light and educate my audience about these bad laws.  Parents, home-school your children.

Or move out of state!

Gender-Neutral Toy Section (AB 1084)

California stores with 500+ employees that sell children’s products are required to include a gender-neutral area for toys “regardless of whether they have been traditionally marketed for either girls or for boys.”

Failure to comply will subject business to fines of up to $250 for the first violation and $500 for a subsequent violation.

This is California pushing the transgender movement onto children, despite the many detransition lawsuits stemming from detransition regret.  God created male and female.  He does not make mistakes.  The fact that so many children have been lied to – and mutiliated!  It angers me so.

Vengeance belongs to the Lord!

Increasing Number of Abortion Practitioners (SB 385)

New law allows non-doctors to perform abortions with a doctor’s supervision.

Like, WHAT!?!?!?  Open the abortion floodgates.  Everyone (qualified and unqualified to perform abortions) will come rushing out here for these killer jobs.  Critics cite concerns of misconduct (no duh) and of course, easier access to abortion leads to less well-considered decisions.

Life is precious.  Women are given the ability to create life.  It is a gift of legacy – the creation of generations! We must STOP the insanity of abortion.  If you are pregnant considering abortion, please reconsider!  Here are some pregnancy resources.


Watch this movie.

Illegal Immigrants Gets More Free Stuff at Our Expense

California already has a $68 billion deficit, and yet, Gavin Newsom doesn’t care.  He continues to ignore the plight of citizens and give away free money to illegal immigrants. It started in 2015 with free taxpayer-funded healthcare services to ages 19-25 and over age.  Starting January 1, 2024, there will be no age restriction to the free taxpayer-funded healthcare services to illegal immigrants.

According to Reform California, over 700,000 additional illegal immigrants will receive new healthcare benefits as of January 1, 2024 – making the total number of illegal immigrants eligible for free taxpayer-funded healthcare 2.4 million!

The cost to taxpayers? $5-7 billion per year!

That’s not all.  To add insult to injury, California Democrats are using $60 million in state taxpayer funds to hire free lawyers that illegal immigrants can use to sue our own government as well as fight deportation.

And now California Democrats are even giving out taxpayer-funded goodies to foreign citizens! Mexican citizens who still live in Mexico will be allowed to receive “in-state tuition discounts” at California colleges!

“California is incentivizing human trafficking by giving away taxpayer-funded welfare to illegal immigrants – and it has to stop if we are to secure the border,” DeMaio says.

Making the Job of Police Officers Harder

Police Officers Cannot Ask “Do you know why I pulled you over?” (AB 2773)

Starting Jan. 1, police officers across California will no longer be able to ask, “Do you know why I pulled you over?” That’s because AB 2773 requires police officers to state the purpose of a traffic or pedestrian stop before asking any other questions.

And if a cop does not comply with this new law, the cop gets in trouble!

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Isaiah 5:20

Police Officers Forced to Be Vigilant About Pronouns and Gender Identities (AB 994)

Law enforcement agencies must use arrestee’s “preferred pronouns” when posting on social media accounts, along with other restrictive rules.  Also, under the new rule, authorities can’t post mugshots to social media of those accused of nonviolent crimes.  Exceptions include when a posting helps capture an individual who still poses a threat or is ordered by a judge.  The rule also requires that all mugshots be removed from law enforcement social media accounts within 14 days of posting, unless an exception applies.

Parents, You Have NO RIGHTS in California

California is probably the most anti-parent state in this country.

AB 1078: Bill that Fines Schools For Banning Racially Divisive, Sexually Explicit Books (pornography)

Why do Democrats want pornography in schools?  I don’t understand why little boys and girls have to read books like Gender Queer, Flamer, or This Book is Gay.

You cannot even post images from these books onto social media (they get censored), and yet, children are being force-fed x-rated pornography in schools.  See what happens when adults post pictures from these filthy books on Instagram.

Lawmakers taking oaths on “kiddie porn books” instead of the Bible

What’s more disturbing is that some lawmakers are now taking oaths on perverted pornography books instead of the Bible.

On Dec. 4, Karen Smith, a Democrat who was elected to lead the state’s third-largest school district in November, was sworn in with a stack of books, including sexually explicit material.

On December 14, Karl Frisch was also sworn in on a stack of kiddie porn books.

State Sanctioned Kidnapping of Vulnerable Children (AB 665)

Among other laws preying on vulnerable children, Newsom and state Democrats also passed AB 665 which makes it easier for children as young as 12 to be taken away from their parents.

Existing state law required that a child could only be removed and “emancipated” if a licensed therapist or health professional determined that abuse or neglect was occurring that posed a threat to the child in the parents’ home and the child was mature enough to govern their own affairs.

AB 665 removes any need to show abuse, neglect or a threat – and allows even an “intern” or “trainee” to make the decision!

California hates parents!  (Read Do Parents Have Any Rights in California?)

LGBT Youth and Foster Parents (SB 407)

This new law instructs the California Department of Social Services to guarantee placement of LGBT youth with gender-affirming foster parents.

Under the law, potential foster parents are required “to demonstrate the capacity to meet the needs of a child, regardless of the child’s sexual orientation or gender identity,” and will also be assessed for their ability “to care for and supervise children and youth of all sexual orientations and gender identities.”

Failure to meet these requirements means you can’t foster.

This law punishes Christian, Jewish and Muslim foster parents.  There is already a severe shortage of foster homes.  This law punishes the foster kids.

Taking Away Your Right to Self-Defense (SB 2 and AB 28)

I‍n quite possibly the best state for criminals due to Newsom’s lax policies, he is now encouraging MORE crime by imposing a large excise tax on guns and ammunition.  AND, curbing the right to conceal carry. (This is completely unconstitutional !)

Social Media Content Moderation Law (AB 587)

AB 587, California’s Hate Speech Law, now requires large social media companies to publicly post their content moderation policies and submit data to the government about their decision-making of such policies and how they enforce them.

Good thing Elon Musk has filed a lawsuit. This is government abuse and overstep and exactly what the Constitution is intended to protect against.

California Family Council: 2023 Legislative Recap

Do you support family?  Make a contribution to the California Family Council.  They are wonderful people on the front lines fighting for rights of parents, defending California against power-hungry rulers.  We are fighting a spiritual level on many fronts, but these organizations are the worldly line of defense.

Read their The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: 2023 California Legislative Recap

Pray for California, and Governor Newsom

Do not give up praying for California.  This is our state, and we will stay and fight.  We will protect our families and our children.  We will protect vulnerable children.  And we will spread the truth.

“Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless.”  Isaiah 10:1-2

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