AB 2319 Replaces Mother with “Birthing People”
Replace Mother with “Birthing People”
How sad. Soon, us mothers won’t even get a mother’s day. Instead, it’s Happy “Birthing People Day”.
Why do Democrats hate women (children, men, United States, anything good) so much?
Below are excerpts from savecalifornia.org
Brainwashing People to Believe Men can Have Babies
AB 2319 by a dozen Democrats would replace “mother” with “all birthing people, including nonbinary persons and persons of transgender experience,” and would force “all health care providers involved in the perinatal care of patients” at hospitals, primary care clinics, alternative birthing centers, outpatient clinics, and emergency departments, under threat of penalty, into brainwashing training — teaching employees and contractors to believe and speak the unscientific fallacies that biological females can be biological males, and vice versa.
AB 2319 Requires Hospitals to Provide Training that Men Can Have Babies
As the Democrat-run Legislative Counsel’s Office describes AB 2319, as amended May 16:
This bill would make a legislative finding that the Legislature recognizes all birthing people, including nonbinary persons and persons of transgender experience. The bill would extend the evidence-based implicit bias training requirements to also include hospitals that provide perinatal care, as defined. The bill would require an implicit bias program to include recognition of intersecting identities and the potential associated biases. The bill would require initial basic training for the implicit bias program to be completed by June 1, 2025, for current health care providers, and within 6 months of their start date for new health care providers, unless exempted.
Hospitals MUST Comply or Be Subject to Penalties
The bill would require specified facilities to, by February 1 of each year, commencing in 2026, provide the Attorney General with proof of compliance with these provisions, as specified. The bill would authorize the Attorney General to pursue civil penalties for violations of these provisions, as specified. The bill would authorize the Attorney General to post on its internet website a list of facilities that did not timely submit proof of compliance or were assessed penalties under these provisions, as specified. The bill would authorize the Attorney General to post any other compliance data they deem necessary and would authorize the Attorney General to biennially publish a report outlining compliance data related to these provisions.”
What Other Damage Will AB 2319 Do?
From this, we know that AB 2319, if passed and signed and implemented, would:
Replace all “Mothers” with “Birthing People”
1. Stress the establishment’s preference of “birthing people” over “mother,” due to the bill inserting this phrase into the law: “The Legislature recognizes all birthing people, including nonbinary persons and persons of transgender experience.” So because of the new phrase “birthing people,” and the brainwashing and penalties in the bill, we believe hospitals will be pressured to replace “mother” with “birthing person” in both speech and documentation.
Require Hospitals to Lie
2. Require lie-based brainwashing (the bill calls this “implicit bias training”) to oppose the scientific reality that only biological women can get pregnant, replacing it with the new policy of recognizing and respecting “all birthing people, including nonbinary persons and persons of transgender experience.”
Punish Hospitals Who Don’t Lie
3. Punish hospitals for non-compliance with the brainwashing or the documentation or inspection of it.
4. The only thing in the bill (as opposed to the existing statutes) to help pregnant mothers is to insert the phrase: “’Perinatal care’ includes, but is not limited to, prenatal care.”
Why is this bad bill?
Because Democrat Party state legislators are afraid of “LGBT” groups, so they work for them, denying who mothers really are: An adult female (XX chromosomes) human being.
“[This proposal], while purporting to promote the welfare of all pregnant women, especially black pregnant women, is actually Trojan Horse legislation intended to further divisive identitarian politics and prioritize gender identity over biological sex,” said Cynthia Cravens, a San Francisco Democrat running for state senate in part to combat her party’s gender ideology push.
She added that it could
“wreak havoc on an already endangered maternal care system in California.”
Erasing Women.
Other critics say the bill is a blow to women that undercuts their sex-based protections.
Just like Biden’s Title IX changes.
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