Thanksgiving and Custody

Thanksgiving and Custody

Thanksgiving and Custody

Thanksgiving is my daughter’s favorite holiday.  (not Christmas!)  In my Women’s Group the other day, we discussed that Thanksgiving is a holiday we can ALL agree on. Because giving thanks is universal; and never controversial.

Thanksgiving is a Special Holiday

Thanksgiving falls on the 4th Thursday of November.  It is a very special holiday.

And it’s with good reason: all the food, the gathering of family, giving thanks for what we normally take for granted.

But what if you’re getting divorced or divorced?

There are many ways to share custody.

Alternating Years With Thanksgiving Day

If you are separating, a good plan may be to alternate Thanksgiving day.  This means that one person will always get odd years, and the other even years.

And the next day you go  back to your normal schedules.

Altnernating Years with Thanksgiving Day and Friday

Another option is to alternate the 2 days, Thursday and Friday.

Alternative Christmas and Thanksgiving

If one of you has Thanksgiving on odd years, then the other should have Christmas on Odd years.  And vice versa.

Every Year

Apparently, other countries have Thanksgiving on different days.  Canada has Thanksgiving every second Monday in October.

Thus, if one is Canadian, perhaps they would agree to having Thanskgiving EVERY year in October, and the other in November every year.

Be Flexible

The best way to approach a parenting plan is with love, and unity.  Review Sample Parenting Plans.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

We hope your Thanksgiving is filled with good spiritual fruit!  Happy Thanksgiving!

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