Gender Affirming and Best Interests of Child
There is a Bill that is touching upon family law.
California Assembly Bill 957 (AB 957)
Existing law authorizes a person to petition for a court order conforming the person’s name to the person’s gender identity.
Existing law requires the court, upon the filing of a petition commencing a proceeding for a change of name to conform the petitioner’s name to the petitioner’s gender identity, to make an order reciting the filing of the petition and directing all persons interested in the matter to make their objections known, as specified.
Existing law requires the petition and order to be served on the parent who did not sign the petition if a petition to change the name of a minor to conform to their gender identity does not include the signature of both living parents, as specified.
This bill would require the court to strongly consider that affirming the minor’s gender identity is in the best interest of the child if a nonconsenting parent objects to a name change to conform to the minor’s gender identity.
Existing law governs the determination of child custody and visitation in contested proceedings and requires the court, for purposes of deciding custody, to determine the best interests of the child based on certain factors, including, among other things, the nature and amount of contact with both parents and the health, safety, and welfare of the child.
This bill would require a court, when determining the best interests of a child, to also consider a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity.
Best Interest of the Child is to Gender Affirm?
In divorce and custody cases, child custody is awarded based on the best interest of the child.
Assemblywoman Lori Wilson (D-Suisun City), author of Assembly Bill (AB) 957, told the committee on March 21. “AB 957 would center the health and welfare of TGI youth by acknowledging that affirming their gender identity is in their best interest,” she said.
This Will Adversely Affect Some Parents In Custody Battles
Ted Hudacko, a divorced father whose ex-wife supported the gender transition of one of their two sons, told the committee he lost custody of the boy because he hesitated to socially and medically transition him.
“My Older Son No Longer Wanted to Be a Man”
“My older son decided that he was a woman, after my ex-wife’s sister was brutally stabbed by her husband. He no longer wanted to be a man,” he said.
His son was placed on estrogen and puberty blockers, including one called Supprelin LA that requires a surgical implant, which violated court orders. His son was 17 at the time.
“My son is now 18 and likely unable to father a child. Since the root cause of his trans identity was never explored, his comorbid mental health issues continue unabated,” he said at the hearing. “Soon he will become a lifelong medical patient needing hormone replacement … for the rest of his life.”
Father a “Villain” Because He Wanted to Explore Mental Health Care Before Rushing Into Transgender Intervention
Hudacko said he has been portrayed as “a villain” and “an unfit parent” because he wanted to get his son “the proper mental health care he needed” before rushing into transgender medical interventions when his son was still a minor.
Mother Gave Up Physical Custody in Exchange for Court Prohibition of Any Medical Transition
Beth Bourne, whose daughter has identified as a boy since she was 14, said she disagreed with her ex-husband’s decision to allow her to change her name and birth certificate “to deny that the baby that I birthed was not really the female that came out of my female body.”
“Last summer, I self selflessly gave up physical custody of her in exchange for a court prohibition of any medical transition. She’s almost 18 and now identifies as nonbinary, and she’s showing signs of being comfortable in her female body,” she said. “It’s proof that these gender identities change over time and should never be acted on medically in children.”
Bourne, who listened to detransitioners speak at the Detransition Awareness Day rally at the state Capitol on March 10, said three of them had their breasts removed before the ages of 16.
Two of the girls, now 18, are Chloe Cole and Layla Jane, who have taken legal action against their doctors and medical providers. See Chloe Cole’s medical malpractice lawsuit against Kaiser.
Kayla Lovdahl, another detransitioner, is also suing Kaiser.
“The girls who were on testosterone had aching vocal cords, chronic joint pain, leaking wounds where their breasts used to be, atrophying body parts, painful sex, and chronic pain that no doctor knows how to fix,” said Bourne.
She Warned AB 957 Would Require Court System to Give Preference to Parents Who Would Subject Children to Experimental Medical Treatment Not Proven to Relieve Gender Dysphoria
She warned that AB 957 would require the court system to give preference to parents who would subject their children to “experimental medical treatments … that are not proven to relieve gender dysphoria or prevent suicide” and lead to permanent physical harm and permanent sterility, she said.
“This bill will force parents to do what they know is not right or healthy for their child if they want to retain custody,” she said.
Adam Vena
Adam Vena is another father who says he has lost custody of his son. Vena says his child’s mother has been grooming his son to be a girl, leading Adam to believe it’s the reason why doctors have now diagnosed his son with gender dysphoria.
Father Says Son Has Gender Dysphoria After Child’s Mother Groomed Him
Below is an excerpt from a detailed report, The Transgender Leviathan.
Modern advocates of transgenderism, on the other hand, simultaneously insist people are simply “born this way” (nature) while demanding that children must be “transitioned” (nurture) at the slightest indicator of confusion by any means necessary, as rapidly as possible.
Gender is simultaneously a social construct and an essential reality that demands absolute affirmation.
Which is it?
The Transgender Leviathan
So what exactly is the whole transgender movement? Where did it evolve? What is going on? I came across a very interesting report entitled The Transgender Leviathan and wanted to share it with you.
I hope that the report will shed light on medical issues.
What About Suicide – Do Kids Commit Suicide If They Don’t Transition?
Despite the horrific narrative spread about the necessity of medical transition, trans-identified children do not have a narrow choice between suicide or transitioning.
A study on the outcome of “gender-affirming” medical treatment, commissioned by the National Institution of Health and conducted by the four most prominent pediatric gender clinics in the U.S. is now in its second year.
The study includes no control group and suffers from a huge loss to follow-up — an abundance of participants dropping out skews the data.
Tragically, of the 315 children in this study, 2 committed suicide within 1 year of starting cross-sex hormone treatment — more than 50 times the national suicide rate for minors.
Without any explanation NIH dropped suicidality from the criteria tracked, presumably because the results didn’t meet the “life-saving treatment” narrative.
Despite the oft-quoted statement that if kids don’t get hormones as soon as possible, the comprehensive data from the UK showed a suicide rate of .03% over 11 years (2010-2020) with no difference between those youth treated or untreated with gender intervention, and of the thousands of non-affirmed children in our parent groups, none have committed suicide. Suicide by Clinic-Referred Transgender Adolescents in the United Kingdom.
Additionally, the long-term study (30-years) from Sweden – one of the most progressive countries in the world – showed that those who engaged in transitional interventions have a 19 times higher suicide rate than the population, and Denmark’s 40- year look-back study shows an increase of 3.5 times in completed suicide by those who underwent transgender interventions.
UK, Finland, and Sweden Stopped Affirming
A number of Eurpean countries are adopting a more caurious approach to gender.
UK, Finland, and Sweden have all stopped affirming a child’s gender identity and is exploring the causality of the gender confusion. Norway and France are also moving in that direction.
AAP to Review Evidence
In August 2023, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) finally announced it would review the evidence used to craft its guidelines for handling CHILDREN who think their gender is something other than what they were born with.
Increase of Detransitioners
The Detransition/Reddit has over 51,000 subscribers.
Here is an interesting article I found: How many people regret transitioning and why?
Do Pronouns Threaten Free Speech?
Here is another article about how prnouns affect legal issues. Could misgendering be hate speech?
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