China Forces Couples to Take Quiz Before Divorce
Due to the rising rates of divorce in China, the government is stepping in – and mandating couple take divorce quizzes. Leave it to China to force couples to take tests before anything – even divorce!
Apparently, if you score too high on a divorce quiz, the Court can deny your divorce. The quizzes are composed of short-answers such as “When is your spouse’s birthday?” “When is your mother-in-law’s birthday?” and essays such as “Explain what you think about your marriage and family, why you want to divorce, and your plans for the future.”
The government officials want the quiz to guide the couple back to happy times. The official added: “Husbands and wives should answer the questions on the exam and calm down. With the guidance of each question, let them reminisce about their relationship and remember their responsibilities in marriage and family.”
I wish California would be more like this — I wish divorce lawyers and judges were more proactive in keeping marriages and couples together. While I recognize that marriage is sometimes hard, and filled with emotional abuse, I do truly believe that with the right amount of help and desire to stay together, many couples would opt back in.
For more information on China’s divorce quizzes, read this article.
China Forces Couples to Take Quiz Before Divorce
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