Biblical Values Election 2024
Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood since the earth was founded? He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.
He brings princes to naught and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing. No sooner are they planted, no sooner are they sown, no sooner do they take root in the ground, than he blows on them and they wither, and a whirlwind sweeps them away like chaff. Isaiah 40:21-24
Election is only 24 days away. How should a Christian vote?
California Family Alliance Scorecards
The California Family Alliance (CFA) has recently unveiled its 2024 Scorecards for California State Legislators. This year’s evaluation measures how closely legislators align with Biblical values through their voting records on 22 major bills.
These bills focus on life, family, and liberty, providing a clear snapshot of where each member of the Assembly and Senate stands.
California Family Alliance Beliefs
California Family Alliance are beliefs come from the Bible, and are on their website.
What We Believe
Every innocent life should be protected in law from conception until natural death.
Marriage between a man and a woman is the building block of a healthy society and the best environment for a child to grow up.
Californians should be free to peacefully live according to their beliefs without fear of unjust government punishment.
Families should have access to education options that fit their child’s unique needs and align with their values.
Gender is determined by our biology. There are inherent, biological differences between men and women.
Key Legislation Reviewed:
Life: Bills related to abortion, including those expanding abortion access or restricting community opposition to abortion clinics.
Family: Legislation affecting parental rights, like those allowing schools to withhold information about a child’s gender transition and policies on sexual education and condom distribution in schools.
Liberty: Measures concerning religious freedom, such as mandatory bias training in healthcare or demographic data collection on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Highest on Biblical Values
Assembly Minority Leader James Gallagher and Assemblyman Jim Patterson led with a 91% score, showcasing their strong support for biblical principles. Senators like Brian Dahle, Shannon Grove, Janet Nguyen, Kelly Seyarto, and Brian Jones were also high scorers, around 88%.
Lowest on Biblical Values
Democrat legislators such as Corey Jackson, Alex Lee, and former Speaker Anthony Rendon scored remarkably low at 18%, indicating consistent opposition to Biblical values.
Republicans Generally Scored Higher on Biblical Values
Republican lawmakers generally scored above 70%, with exceptions scoring 50% or below, like Juan Alanis (50%) and Greg Wallis (41%). These scores suggest some deviations within their party concerning issues prioritized by the California Family Alliance
Democrats Predominantly Scored Below 30% on Biblical Values
Democrats scored very low on Biblical values. Even the highest scoring Democrats, like Rebecca Bauer-Kahan and Liz Ortega, both scored only 39%. (the highest score amongst Democrats)
Despite being the highest within their party, these scores still reflect a lack of alignment with biblical values compared to their Republican counterparts
The Impact of Absence
Legislators who abstained from voting on key issues saw deductions in their scores, emphasizing the importance of active participation.
How To Read Scores
Christians, These Scores Matter
The scorecards are more than just numbers; they are a tool for voters who prioritize biblical values in legislative decision-making.
They highlight the ideological divide, particularly on contentious issues like abortion and parental rights, offering clarity on where legislators stand.
This transparency aids constituents in choosing representatives who reflect their values, potentially influencing California’s political landscape towards God’s design for society.
Engagement Encouraged
Voters should not only review these scores, but engage directly with their legislators, advocating for policies that align with biblical principles. For detailed scores, visit the CFA’s website where individual assessments for both the Senate and Assembly are available.
This initiative by the California Family Alliance underscores the ongoing debate within the state about the intersection of religious beliefs, personal freedoms, and legislative policy, providing a clear guide for voters seeking to uphold Biblical values in today’s world.
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