Abortion Pill Reversal

Abortion Pill Reversal Saves Lives

Abortion Pill Reversal

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.  John 10:10

Bonta Sues Pregnancy Resource Centers for Offering Abortion Pill

In case you didn’t know, our state is racked with crime and homelessness.

But instead of tackling real problems, California Attorney General Rob Bonta is suing crisis pregnancy centers for offering life-saving Abortion Pill Reversal.

Abortion Pill Reversal is safe and saves lives, so why are we taking this choice away from women?

Abortion Pill

According to Guttmacher Institute (an abortion rights research and policy organization), in 2023, medical abortions using the abortion pill accounted for 63% of all U.S. abortions.

The abortion pill consists of 2 pills: mifepristone (which starves the baby to death by depriving progesterone) and misoprostol (to expel the dead baby from the womb).

Because killing a baby is a difficult and stressful decision, some women regret it immediately after taking the first pill.  (Other women seek medical help because they were lied to, or forced into taking the abortion pill. Read Abortion Pills, Coercion, and Abuse.)

What now?  Can they change their minds?  After all, it’s pro-choice, right?

Abortion Pill Reversal

Enter Abortion Pill Reversal.

Yes, you can change your mind after taking the first pill.

What is the success rate of Abortion Pill Reversal?

If progesterone is taken before taking the second medication, misoprostol, national data from Heartbeat International shows the pregnancy has a 68% chance of continuing.  Timing is crucial.

The protocol used in the Abortion Pill Reversal process is nothing new. In fact, progesterone has been used routinely and safely with pregnancy since the 1950s. See How Effective is Progesterone Treatment?

Abortion Pill Reversal is a method of attempting to block or reverse the effect of mifepristone on the developing fetus in order to save the life of the preborn child for women who regret their abortion decision. It is based on basic pharmacokinetic principles and the existing literature shows that it is safe and effective.

For more information, see the American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians & Gynecologists (AAPLOG).  AAPLOG is a group of over 7500 pro-life obstetricians and gynecologists.  They exist to “encourage and equip medical practitioners to provide an evidence-based rationale for defending the lives of both the pregnant mother and her unborn child.

I love AAPLOG’s slogan.  “Life, it’s why we’re here.”

By the way, ALL obstetricians should be pro-life.

True Stories of Lives Saved

Here are some heartwarming stories of women who have changed their minds after taking the first abortion pill, took the Abortion Reversal Pill, and saved their babies.

Planned Parenthood receives over 800 million a YEAR in government funding.  They can afford to appear on the first 10 pages of your Google search results for “Is the abortion pill safe“, and yet, they won’t tell women about the Abortion Pill Reversal.  (Oh, and Google is being investigated right now for censorship.  Shocker).

And by the way, NO, the abortion pill is not safe.  Planned Parenthood fails to disclose that the FDA estimates that more than 4,000 women who completed the 2-pill drug have suffered serious adverse medical events, including hemorrhage, septic shock, ruptured ectopic pregnancies, and at least 28 deaths.  See Drug developers caution against US mifepristone ban.

If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy, I recommend that you visit a good pregnancy resource clinic, like Heartbeat International, or Birth Choice Centers, to obtain unbiased information on all your options.  NOT a killing machine with a lot of funding.

I had the honor of attending Birth Choice’s gala this year.  Here is a baby rescued by Abortion Pill Reversal!

Women should not be forced to continue with the abortion once they change their minds.

Punishing centers for sharing information about or offering the Abortion Pill Reversal hurts women and doctors.

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