Prenups Require Financial Disclosures

Prenups Require Full Financial Disclosures

Prenups Require Financial Disclosures/Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Failure to completely disclose assets is a basis for voiding your prenup.

Let me state that again.  If you do not fully disclose your assets, your prenup is NO GOOD.

The Law

California Family Code section 1615 (a)(1)(A) states: A premarital agreement is not enforceable if the party against whom enforcement is sought proves … That party was not provided a fair, reasonable, and full disclosure of the property or financial obligations of the other party.

What is full disclosure?

A complete listing of all of your assets and debts prior to the marriage.  Bank and brokerage statements.  Appraisals of real estate, vehicles, boats, planes.  Valuations of businesses.  Credit card statements.  Student loan statements.

No hiding the ball!

Be in the Know

Incidentally, one of the best reasons FOR prenups is the full disclosure requirement.  No one should ever enter into a marriage without full knowledge of each other’s assets and debts.

Exchange of Information

These documents must be mutually exchanged.  It is also good practice to for the parties to execute an Acknowledgement of Receipt of Disclosures and Waiver of Further Disclosures.

Why Must I Disclose?

Think about it.  In a prenuptial agreement, you are asking your spouse to alter the laws as it applies to your situation.  Perhaps you are asking him/her to waive community property.  Or waive alimony.

Before they can competently agree to “waive” or “alter” their rights and obligations, they should have the opportunity to review the big picture to see exactly what they are “waiving” or “altering”.

Common sense!  You cannot play hide the ball.

Full Disclosures Just One Requirement

Besides full disclosures, there are many requirements to ensuring your prenup is valid.  Consult an attorney in your state.

Prenups Require Financial Disclosures.  Is your prenuptial agreement enforceable?

Have a case like this?

Family matters are extremely personal, and it is important for us to know details of your case before giving advice. Each case is different, and it is important to find an attorney you trust. To arrange an appointment, please call us at (626) 765-5767 between 8:30am – 5:00pm, Mondays to Fridays, or fill out the form below.

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