AB 957 Weaponizes Gender Affirmation Like Restraining Orders
I was recently on a debate panel about AB 957. You can watch the clips on my website.
AB 957
Our legislators have argued over this bill so much. This is the latest version of AV 957.
Section 3011 of the Family Code is amended to read:
Majority of Parents Want What’s Best for Their Kids
- I believe the majority of parents want what’s right for their kids.
2. However, in family courts, they disagree as to what is right.
Those are 2 facts that we must remember from the outset.
Sometimes Right Intentions Leads to Foul Play
Assembly Bill 957 is a Bill written by Assemblymember Lori Wilson. I understand why she wrote it. She has a transgender son, who she loves very much and wants what’s best for him. I am not questioning her intent to pass the Bill. I would probably do the same thing! We all want to protect our children.
But, I think passing laws based on our own experiences and feelings lead to foul play. Especially in family court.
AB 957, if signed by Gavin Newsom, will be an absolute nightmare to the already clogged family courts.
Our Family Courts are Already a Mess!
People are always complaining that family court is unfair.
I can tell you, from experience, “gender affirmation” is going to fare the way of “domestic violence restraining orders”.
Domestic Violence Is “Bad”. Gender Affirmation is “Good”. Weaponize!
No one is going to argue that domestic violence is “bad”. Obviously, it’s not in the best interests of the child. That’s why the Legislature enacted Family Code 3044, which gives rise to a presumption against custody if you have perpetrated domestic violence.
However, people started falsely accusing each other of domestic violence, just to get custody.
Ask any family law attorney – restraining orders are the #1 most used and abused weapon to get custody. They are liberally granted, so many people file them to get custody. This is a huge problem for 2 reasons:
1. Many people are “falsely” accused so good parents lose custody, and
2. This erodes the protection for true victims of domestic violence! How are Courts suppose to help those who need their help when they are dealing with thousands of false accusations?
Fake restraining orders are so prevalent in family law, I even wrote a book about it: Protecting Yourself From False Accusations.
I predict “gender affirmation” will go the same way. Fathers and mothers will be accusing each other of “not gender affirming” just to get custody.
What is Gender Affirming?
What does “gender affirming” mean?
Does “gender affirming” mean that if a child is confused, they are always the opposite sex?
If a child is “gender fluid”, i.e. Jack one week, and Jill next week, are you being “gender affirming” when you call him Jack, or Jill?
Do you see where I am going here?
Like restraining orders, “gender affirmation” will be weaponized by litigants, dragging out what is already a horrible process for children.
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