Divorce Lawyers are Not Weapons of Mass Destruction
Manic Mondays
Monday mornings (like January divorce month) are notoriously busy for family law firms, because people like to call divorce lawyers after a blow-out fight over the weekend (when people have time to fight). They call our office all pissed off, wanting a hired gun to destroy their spouse, the mother/father of their children.
Don’t Call a Divorce Lawyer When You are Mad
You should not call a divorce lawyer when you’re mad.
First, you won’t be able to get a good lawyer on the phone
Good lawyers are not available to random strangers who want to spout off about their spouses.
Good lawyers are busy with current clients, resolving cases.
The only lawyers you can get to listen to you spew poison are the inexperienced ones who are not busy.
At best, calling a lawyer when you’re mad is wasting your time. At worst, they’re enabling your destructive behavior.
Second, call a friend instead
A friend or family member is probably best right now when you want to talk smack about your spouse.
Divorce Lawyers Don’t Do What You Think They Do
We are Not Weapons of Mass Destruction
A Divorce lawyer’s job isn’t to help you destroy your spouse. Sure, you can find some pitbulls out there. Just know what you’re getting and don’t complain if you’re not happy with the outcome.
The goal isn’t to help you kill. You cannot pay a lawyer to “get custody”. You cannot pay a lawyer to “take everything from your cheating spouse”.
Get this straight: In a divorce, you are starting with half, if you are lucky. There is no winning in divorce. Do not be fooled by all the junk you hear about there. They’re myths.
Your Divorce Lawyer Should Know the Law
A good divorce lawyer knows the law, and will swiftly kill any delusions that you can use the law against your spouse. They’ll explain the myths and put you on the right track.
Your Divorce Lawyer Should Tell You When You are Unreasonable
Revenge and fighting is never the answer. Sometimes you have no choice, because they other side is utterly unreasonable. That’s when you go to Court. Never go to court when YOU are the unreasonable one, because you will lose and then blame your lawyer.
Your Divorce Lawyer Should Be a Solution, Not a Problem
If your divorce lawyer hates your spouse more than you do, you have a problem. Here is why you should never hire a pitbull.
Your divorce lawyer should focus on getting you out of this mess, not deeper and deeper. Review my blog posts on Marriage Story, Divorce and Self-Victimization, and There are Three Sides to Every Divorce Story. Learn about the law. Learn what we can and can’t do.
Let us be a solution.
Divorce lawyers are not weapons of mass destruction.
Divorce lawyers are not weapons of mass destruction. You can certainly find lawyers who will do your dirty revenge work. If you find that you want to seek revenge and it is worth it, we are not the lawyers for you. But, we have referrals. Peace be with you.
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