California Laws and Vulnerable Children
I wanted to take some time today to discuss some Bills that are moving through California which are alarmingly dangerous to children.
Some of these bills target the most vulnerable of children – those amidst parents’ divorces, in foster care, and runaways.
I have tried to be as neutral as possible about the content of the laws. Included are links to the text of these laws so you can read them.
I urge you to OPPOSE these laws.
AB 957 – Custody Awarded to Gender Affirming Parent (Sen. Scott Wiener)
I have written extensively about AB 957, which seeks to amend Family Code section 3011 of the Family Code with regards to determining the best interests of the child in a custody proceeding, particularly as it relates to the “health, safety, and welfare of the child.”
The amended language provides that the “health, safety, and welfare of the child includes a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity.” Family Code § 3011(a)(1)(B).
In a nutshell, if you are in a custody battle, and you have a child who is questioning gender, the parent “affirming” gender will get custody.
As a custody lawyer, I can tell you from experience….this law encourages a lot of foul play. Whether or not you support trans-theology, this should not be a factor in determining the award of custody.
Historically, Courts Could Not Favor One Religion Over Another in Awarding Custody
In addition, passage of this law violates other well-established family laws.
It has always been held that Courts cannot base a custody (or visitation) decision on a parent’s religious practices or beliefs.
The only exceptions are where there is a clear showing the religious practices are detrimental to the child. [Marriage of Murga (1980) 103 CA3d 498, 505, 163 CR 79, 82; Marriage of Urband (1977) 68 CA3d 796, 797-798, 137 CR 433, 433-434; see Marriage of Weiss (1996) 42 CA4th 106, 111-113, 49 CR2d 339, 342-344—parent may not be enjoined from involving child in parent’s religious activities absent clear showing of harm to child; Marriage of Mentry (1983) 142 CA3d 260, 266, 190 CR 843, 847 (same); see also Miller v. Hedrick (1958) 158 CA2d 281, 284, 322 P2d 231, 233—noncustodial parent could not, during visitation, require child to adhere to religious practices in conflict with those being taught by custodial parent].
Gender theology violates the beliefs of Christians, Jews, and Muslims. AB 957 would disciminate against these religions in custody battles.
SB 407 – Those Who Don’t Affirm Trans-Theology Can’t Be Foster Parents (Sen. Wiener)
Senate Bill 407 “requires a resource family to have an ability and willingness to provide a family setting that promotes normal childhood experiences to include that of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or plus (LGBTQ+) and gender expansive youth,”.
The bill “requires a resource family, should difficulties around issues of sexual orientation and gender identity arise, that they agree to seek out any and all available resources offered by the county, foster family agency, and other offered resources to meet those needs.” (i.e.: gender transition).
This Bill discriminates against Christian parents who are currently fostering, or wish to foster children. There is already a shortage of willing parents stepping up to fill this critical role and preventing willing Christian families from fostering because they cling to their faith will only hurt society.
Read about this UK foster mother had social services called on her for questioning school’s teaching of gender ideology.
AB 665 State can “Kidnap” 12-years-olds and Put Them in Group Homes Without Parental Permission or Knowledge (Assemblywoman Wendy Carrillo, Wiener)
California Family Council warns, AB 665 seeks to pass law that allows minors, 12 years of age or older, to consent to mental health treatment or residential shelter services. This means a 5th or 6th grader can be persuaded by a “licensed professional” to receive treatment for a personal mental health issue and the parents don’t have to consent or be notified unless the professional considers it appropriate.
Current law only permits minors 12 and older to receive mental healthcare without parental consent if the minors present a serious danger to themselves or others, or if the child is an alleged victim of abuse.
AB 665 would remove these two requirements.
This bill also allows minors, 12 and older, to consent to “residential shelter services,” with no input or consent from parents. This means a teen can be persuaded to leave their parents’ home and be housed in a state-funded facility or group home, and parents will only be notified regarding their child’s whereabouts if the professional considers it appropriate.
Licensed social worker Pamela Garfield-Jaeger, who has worked in group homes and testified in opposition to AB 665. Listen to Pamela here.
“California state is working overtime to separate children from parents,” she said. “Our opposition was saying how mental health is declining in California and across the country, and I think one of the biggest culprits of that is children are being separated from their parents. If we work together with families, I think that would improve mental health tremendously. They’re proposing something that, I believe, is going to have the complete opposite effect.”
Group Homes for Children
Pamela also shed light on the atmosphere of group homes for children. She explained that in the past, even when there were allegations of abuse, pulling a child out of a home and into a foster home was a last resort option. Putting them into a group home was the very last resort after a foster home. Group homes are dedicated for children with serious behavioral issues. “To think that this is going to be the first step for children is a scary prospect,” she said.
She also noted that in group homes, children get together and learn bad behaviors, such as cutting and substance abuse from each other. At a group home Pamela was working at, one of the counselors was smoking marijuana with the children.
Further, boys and girls are housed together, and it is easy for them to escape. Many of the children run away and end up in even worse situations, like sex trafficking.
AB 223 – Permits Minors to Seal Public Records About Changing Sex Identifier (Weiner)
This bill AB 223, if passed, allows minors to seal public records if they changed their name and gender in Court.
If your child is undergoing an identity crisis involving gender, you need to be able to know how to help them. This Bill prevents you from even KNOWING they are going through a crisis.
By keeping all of the adults, outside of the parents or guardian, in the dark as to the child’s trans-identity, the adults best positioned to help the child will not be able to help.
AB 230 – Menstrual Equity For All Act – Menstrual Products in Boys’ Bathrooms, Grades 3 to 12
This Bill expands on existing law that requires public schools to put free menstrual products in girls’ and boys’ bathrooms in grades 6 to 12.
Now this includes grades 3 to 12.
AB 230 is meant to confuse young boys and promote the lie that they can menstruate.
Separating and Divorcing Parents
I encourage all separating and divorcing parents to come together and unite for their children.
The world out there is downright evil to children, especially those in the most vulnerable situations, such as foster care and divorce.
Gender theory is exactly the way it sounds – a theory. It goes against science, and most importantly, it goes against God.
It is normal for young children to question their identity. However, the laws that are being passed are not normal – they are targeting the most vulnerable: allowing ingestion of chemicals, and surgeries of children’s private parts as early as age 12. These life-altering things should not be administered to children.
Their parents are the only ones who can protect them and yet laws are being passed to deprive parents from protecting their children.
Rachel Levine: “If I had transitioned when I was young then I wouldn’t have my children. I can’t imagine a life without my children.”
Assistant Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine is no stranger to controversy, but the former Pennsylvania health official’s recent comments about being happy to have transitioned from male to female after having children have sparked outrage from some parents and pro-family organizations.
Discussing transitioning later in life, Levine speculated that being a 15-year-old in today’s environment might have led to transitioning while still young. Then Levine added, “I have no regrets because if I had transitioned when I was young then I wouldn’t have my children. I can’t imagine a life without my children.”
Transgender Resources
If your child is going through some difficult times, please unite together and pray. Pray through all things. Also, please consult these resources. They are very helpful at explaining and understanding this type of theology.
Parents Have the Right to Protect Their Children
Children are seeing and hearing things they should not be in schools. Who can best protect them? Their parents. The fundamental right of parents to determine the education of their children is protected by the Supreme Court case of Troxel v. Granville.
The author of these bills, Scott Wiener, does not have children.
These laws deprive parents of fundamental rights, and hurting vulnerable children. I pray that in this day and age, parents will pray together and stay together. Love your children the way God made them. God does not make mistakes!
Our almighty loving Creator created all of us in His image. In the image of God He created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:7
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10
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