Not By Power, Not By Might, But By the Holy Spirit

Not By Power, Not By Might, But By the Holy Spirit, human weakness, God's strength, Be still and know that He is God, kelly chang

Not By Power, Not By Might, But By the Holy Spirit

I have been a family law attorney for 24+ years.  The most satisfying moments in practice weren’t the thunderous wins in family court (which sometimes happen, but really, no one really wins in divorce).

They’re the embraces from a client when it’s finally over.  When they let go of the thousand pounds of anger and poison weighing them down.

It’s the tears of relief after they finally forgive each other.

Or when I see a couple (who previously tore each other apart in Court) on Facebook at their son’s graduation, beaming with love.

It’s the strength I see amidst all the suffering.

The humility.

That isn’t by power, or might.  But by a changed heart – only something the Holy Spirit can do.

The Greatest Moment In My Career

I’m grateful that I’ve been able to discourage many couples from divorce.  My heart fills with joy whenever I receive thank you cards from clients who’ve consulted with me and reconsidered.

However, I usually wonder if their spouse even knew they went to see a divorce lawyer?   I would be crushed if I found out my husband had consulted a divorce attorney.

One time, however, I actually received a call from the OTHER side.  As in, she knew her husband had consulted me about divorcing her.

She left a long voicemail.  She said one day while cleaning, she found the intake folder I had given to her spouse when he sought my office for divorce.  This was months before.  (I vaguely remembered.)

She said whatever happened in the office, he came back with a changed heart.  It took work, but they are still together.  And their children, and grandchildren – and their grandchildren’s future children, at all better for it.

Her voice wavered on the message, but became strong when she recited the Scripture on my form, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4.

Then she said don’t call back and quickly hung up.

This was a generational win.

It was the greatest moment in my career as a family law attorney.  All I did was point people to Jesus, and He changed their hearts.  The secret is Jesus.


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“Are you familiar with California law regarding community property?”


“Is it safe to assume that every asset you have listed was acquired after you married?”


“You do realize parting with half of this will put a great impairment into your retirement plans?”

Jeffrey looked at me quizzically, not understanding why fractions matter in divorce.

“Sir, everything you have acquired is community property — and once you divorce, since your wife is in her late 70’s and has never worked and has no job prospects, there will be 2 households for you to support.”

“Even if I hire you?

I laughed.

This innocent little phrase is the very reason i have come to tire of my job.  Divorce lawyers don’t change the law.  Many people are unaware of what divorce lawyers can and can’t do.  

Divorce, they say, teaches you a lot of things, like fractions.

For the rest of this story, click here.

Prayer for Prospective Clients

Heavenly Father, You created the Heavens and the Earth and all of us humans.  You know intimately the challenges of every single person reading this.

I pray that you will turn hearts of stone into flesh and you turn couples on the brink of divorce back to each other.  Not by might, nor by power, but by Your Holy Spirit can hearts and families be mended.  Please hear my prayers and grant my petition.

In Jesus’ powerful name I pray, Amen.

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