Below are some useful websites that may provide you with some basic information about your matter.
The referral to these sites is not intended to be legal advice and you should consult with an attorney if you believe that your rights have been violated.
- California Yellow Pages for Kids: A place to go to find Attorneys, Evaluators, Tutors, Support Groups, Advocacy Groups, and State Agencies.
- California Department of Education
- California Department of Education Special Education Division
- California Department of Developmental Services
- California State Council on Developmental Disabilities
- California Department of Fair Employment and Housing
- Wrightslaw
- As a parent of a child eligible for special education, you may obtain a copy of the California State Composite of Special Education Law.
- The State of California has specified what is to be taught at every grade level in the public schools. You can obtain a copy of the California Content Standards.
- Protection and Advocacy Inc. (“PAI”) publishes a user-friendly guide to special education law entitled Special Education Rights and Responsibilities”
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