Family Law Second Opinion Consultations

Second Opinions on Family Law Cases

We offer Family Law Second Opinions.

When Do I Need a Second Opinion?

Below is a list of situations where a second opinion may be appropriate.  The list is not exhaustive.

There May Be More Than One Solution to a Problem

This cannot be more true in Family Law!

Real-Life Example:  Dad and Mom have joint custody. Dad remarries Stepmom.  On a school contact sheet, Stepmom lists herself as a contact instead of Mom, thus Mom doesn’t receive school notices.

How should Mom handle?

Solution #1: Call the school and explain the situation and add herself to the list. (Free, maybe 9 minutes)

Solution #2: Hire a pitbull attorney, file a motion for contempt, go to Court, and seek revenge. ($15,000 minimum, maybe 6 months)

You Don’t Fully Trust Your Attorney

Perhaps your attorney suggested solution #2 above without even mentioning other solutions.

Or maybe they advised that you absolutely should file a false restraining order to obtain sole custody.

Or maybe you’ve missed a court appearance or deadline, because they didn’t tell you about it.

Or maybe you’ve never heard of divorce mediation, collaborative divorce, or any other option to stay out of court.

Or maybe they just don’t know the law!

Get a second opinion.

Will My Current Attorney Know?

Only if you want them to know.  We will not disclose anything to them.  You have attorney-client privilege with us, even in a limited second opinion consultation.

How Much Does it Cost?

Because we are NOT your attorney of record, and our services are limited to a review and consult, we will only charge our hourly rates. (with a 2-hour minimum).

Please note that for our time together to be productive, I will need to spend a few hours (2-3) prior to the consultation to review your case files, notes and emails.  I may also need to research some issues.  You will only pay for the time I spend, and there is a 2 hour minimum for second opinion consultations.

For Attorneys

I am not interested in stealing your clients, or undermining your credibility.  In fact, most of the time, clients feel better about your advice and suggestions after meeting with me.  It eases their paranoia when more than one person tells them the same thing.

And, if you are an attorney who wants to pick my brain, second opinion consultations may be helpful to you as well.

Please contact us.

If you have any further questions or need additional information about Family Law Second Opinion Consultations or other services, please do not hesitate to email or call (626) 765-5767.