Hope’s Broken Snow Globe is a children’s book about divorce during the holidays. ORDER on Amazon!
It’s the first Christmas after her parents’ divorce. Helping her Dad decorate for Christmas this year, a little girl named Hope finds a broken snow globe. She recalls the shouting and yelling shortly after she broke the snow globe last year. Shortly thereafter, her mom and dad stopped living together. Hope is convinced she can bring her parents back together if she can repair the snow globe.
In the end, her courageous efforts at repairing the broken snow globe helped her achieve acceptance of her new family arrangement.
Holidays after divorce or separation can be very hard on the newly divorced. But it’s especially hard on children. This book was written for them. The story is intended to reassure them that none of this is their fault, and though there may be different living arrangements, both Mom and Dad still love them, and always will. This is a Christmas story of hope, faith and love. Hope’s Broken Snow Globe.

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