Foster Adoptions

Foster care adoptions

Foster Adoptions

When considering adoption, many people overlook the option of foster care adoptions.  Foster care adoptions have multiple benefits, such as being cost-free to the adoptive parent.

Should I adopt a child through foster care?


But with any adoption, it’s important to understand the goal of foster care and its challenges.  The primary goal of foster care is to reunify the child with their biological family, if at all possible. However, this process can take time, so the foster parent may end up having to say goodbye to their foster child and the bond they created. Understanding this dynamic and being prepared emotionally can help make this process smoother.

With an open and honest relationship between the foster parent, the biological parents, and the child, a reunification can be a healthy and positive experience for all involved. The bond between a foster parent and their foster child is often quite strong, so it is important to keep communication lines open so that everyone can be prepared if reunification has to take place.

Foster Adoption

If reunification is not possible, the Court will order the permanent adoption plan.  After the time to appeal expires, your, your case will be transferred to the adoptions unit of your county’s social services agency.

Your social worker will notify you that it’s time to get your case ready for finalization.

Steps to Finalizing your Foster Adoption
  • File Adoption Request and other accompanying documents with the Court;
  • Complete the Court Report of Adoption;
  • Request a hearing date from the Court;
  • Attend the adoption finalization hearing;
  • Receive an amended birth certificate from the State of California’s Office of Vital Records

You can do it yourself, or hire us to finalize your foster adoption.