Birth Mom Representation

birth mom representation, christian adoption lawyer

Birth Mom Representation

If you are unexpectedly pregnant and considering adoption, you may feel overwhelmed and confused. I have created a website for birth mothers with many resources to help.

Do not be afraid.

Whether you believe in God or not, know this: “DO NOT BE AFRAID” is mentioned in the Bible at least 365 times.

Pregnancy Resources
If You are Considering Adoption, There are So Many Questions

How can I be sure I select the right adoptive family for my baby?

Do I get a say in who adopts my child?

Will my child go to foster care?

Can I talk to my child after the adoption process?

Does the biological father have any rights?

What if I change my mind?

Legal Guidance

It is important to understand that you are in control of your decision.  Even if you have spoken with an agency, or adoptive parents have already contacted you, you do not owe anyone anything.

Please call us.  We will guide you through the whole adoption process.  We will provide a detailed explanation of your rights, the father’s rights, and provide information and referrals to services.

What if I cannot afford an Attorney?

Birth mom representation is paid for by the adoptive parents.

Call or Text Us at 626-765-7678.