Adoptive Parents

Christian adoption lawyer, adoptive parents

Adoptive Parents

Are you Ready to Adopt?

If you’re exploring adoption options, you may be as confused as I was when I ventured into this area of law.

What is the difference between an agency adoption and an independent adoption?

How do adoptive parents find the right birth mother?

What if the birth mom changes her mind?

What are the birth father’s rights?

What are the costs involved?

Who pays for the pregnancy-related costs and hospital fees?

Will the birth mom ever see the child?

Why Work With an Adoption Attorney?

Adoption is a complex area of the law.  There are multiple rules and procedures that have been established by California state law, as well as procedures that are judicially regulated.

Interstate adoption is even more complex as it involves the “Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children,” (ICPC).

ICPC must be approved before the adoptive family can leave the State of California with the child.  Our adoption coordinators have experience and knowledge as to the ICPC departments in various states to effectuate the ICPC and interstate adoption process.

Adoptive Parents